Hello, i'm a shit-tier artist/coder. I make shit-tier art, shit-tier 3D render shit-tier games shit-tier jokes and i code shit-tier things.
Age 26
Joined on 3/20/13
Posted by koupip - August 17th, 2019
today i spend a whole day doing absolutely nothing. then at the end of the day i spend a few hours working on my drawing tablet AND i did a bunch of pixel art sketch i also got help from pĂȘople on the forum that told me that the key to pixel art is shading which is correct its the only way to give depth to a drawing. so i'm very happy that i was able to do this :D. i also started working more on pixel art i did many pixel art drawings today but almost no tablet drawing. i also started reaing the second book i bought and i decided to buy all the book of the serie when i finish this one. there is a total of 3 plus a spin off so i need to buy 3 more yto have them all :D. still kind of worried my drawing style will end up too manga ish but meh that's ok ill just develope a real artstyle when i'm done learning how to draw the basics
Posted by koupip - August 16th, 2019
today i spend like 3h drawing i think and i think i made some pretty good progess. i tried to paint and faild so fucking hard i don't think its for me at all. so i guess its just me drawing from now on on tablet and pixel art. it was a good time anyway.
this day was pretty good tbh. if i drw as much as today everyday i will be able to sell furry art in no time
Posted by koupip - August 15th, 2019
today a lot of people decided to join me in my crazy attempt to revive the art side of the forum a lot of artist decided to help out with drawing and a lot of people asked for pixel art pfps which was pretty nice. i also did a lot of practice on head in regular tablet art and a lot of practise on body in pixel art. all in all i did some pretty good progress in art today. its all gud. i hope everyday can be like today
Posted by koupip - August 13th, 2019
my friend that has been encouraging me to keep drawing gave me a few book recommendation and i bought them online and they are here now! i'm going to spend a lil while reading the first one then i will do the drawing exercises in the second one! an maybe i will finally be able to make good art ;-;. my only problem is that its manga art style so i hope it doesn't fuck up my whole art style by making it too anime but even if it does i'm sure my art will just evolve with time past the anime ish nature it will have lol! woo new books
Posted by koupip - August 12th, 2019
today i spend a lot of time just drawing and drawing and i think i did pretty good this time around! i practiced faces and i drew a few full body sketches that didn't turn out well but i'm still proud of them! i was also shaking a yoghurt and it felt like i was jacking off a dude bc i was yawning and had my eyes close. it was fucking weird
Posted by koupip - August 10th, 2019
today was pretty meh over all. i spend a whole day trying to think of ways to revive the newgrounds forums and i didn't have that many ideas tbh. i also spend a lot of time drawing pixel art for a few people. i did a lot of spriting work today but i didn't really do any tablet drawing which is my goal. do at least one a day i think today is going to be another pretty simple drawing but i will try to concentrate on a big chunk of the human body to really understand how you draw it. some of my friends told me i'm getting better at drawing art and honestly i think i'm getting pretty good. i just need to keep going now!
Posted by koupip - August 9th, 2019
i spend a grand total of 1 fucking hour trying to help a friend with her bank account that messed up and i bailed her out 70$ bc she really needed my help. life has been really harsh on her recently and all the time i spend helping her out was worth it when she send me all those thank you on discord. for me i'm insanely tired i feel unwell and my back started to hurt again. its currently 4 am but i had to finish my daily drawing or else i would have failed my challenge before even starting it so i did finish it i did absolutely nothing productive today and i'm really sad about it even my drawing is very minimal bc i didn't bother actually sitting down and drawing. i'm very unhappy with myself today. but i did make a few new friends and i still called a bunch of artist amazing for their amazing art so maybe this day wasn't that bad...
Posted by koupip - August 9th, 2019
today a good friend of mine gifted me 30$ for a commission i don't even know deserved 10$ i'm insanely gratefull and i can't say this doesn't feel amazing but i still feel like what i did for her wasn't enough and i need to do more. so once i get better at art i will redo this commission and it will be my best work of art ever mad. i will not forget