very interesting that she is wearing stuff like that to go see a girl on a beach. like will she not be too hot ? 10/10
very interesting that she is wearing stuff like that to go see a girl on a beach. like will she not be too hot ? 10/10
pretty good animation pretty good art really enjoyed it all over. hope to see more of this
this looks very nice good job
might be a error of rendre but the animation is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too slow it should go much much faster then that. but i do like the idea of a shapshifting creature like that bc it reminds me of vaperwave music clips. also you might want to use more colors to transition between each shape
would it not have been better to record the whole drawing then speed it up ? anyway i like the drawing.
EDIT: oh ok i see well ill give you a higher score then
Yeah that's my plan but something went wrong on it.
a tip i can give you is keep the head always at the same size it needs to be static. your head doesn't shrink when you close your eyes. and when you have a head that doesn't move on every frame then you can edit the eye to close themselves. best way to see those kind of small detail is by looking at yourself in a mirror then restranscripting those movement on paper since this is a eye closing video you should video yourself and then watch every frame and how your face moves. i say you have a much potential as anyone else to be a great artist and don't stop trying. i'm sorry i can't give you 5 stars bc the animation is pretty meh but i will give you 3 so don't stop trying so that i can rate your next animation with a 5 :D
Thanks u i only posted the video to get some criticism to improve so ill be sure to use your advice
i love the atmosphere of this small animation. i think you did a good job on colloring all the colors were nice and cold. the animation was fluid and well done. i also really like your art style.
And the music was a nice touch to the whole animation
Hello, i'm a shit-tier artist/coder. I make shit-tier art, shit-tier 3D render shit-tier games shit-tier jokes and i code shit-tier things.
Age 26
Joined on 3/20/13