thicc stomach save lives
thicc stomach save lives
gosh i wonder why those blew up so hard so fast. fidget spinners i mean. your art is killer
she reminds me of rosali on youtube but human instead of furry
that is a interesting character you got here i would not mind seeing her in a full story you might write sometime!
i had pretty much the same idea a while back sadly i don('t have the skill to draw my character ):
gosh if only i didn't dislike dominatrix i would have loved to hear her story :/.
i really like her designe tho i like the pink leather too.
good job on this one.
Dominatrix are not for everyone but thank you so much!
HEY its rude to just cuss at people you don't know >:V
but i really like the art you made.
woah you really went all out on this character huh. can't wait to see what you do with her!
Thanks! I'm actually working on her story on WattPad!
wavy days are good they can be bad and then turn amazing after a while.
again very good art i love the hair
honey indeed.
10/10 drawing
there is something amazing about girls with muscle i can't put my finger on it but they all look so nice and fun to hug.
and you draw them amazingly
Hello, i'm a shit-tier artist/coder. I make shit-tier art, shit-tier 3D render shit-tier games shit-tier jokes and i code shit-tier things.
Age 26
Joined on 3/20/13