this remind me of the base i would always do in terraria.
this remind me of the base i would always do in terraria.
Same lol. yeah those massive natrual trees with loot inside.
Amazing drawing. welcom to the wbesite
Thank you very much, I'll try to have as much fun here as I can!
when you a youtube story time animator and you go to school
ngl your post made me want to eat candy too
this looks very nice indeed
i see you posted more lewds °_°.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
jesus that fucking squat dude lol
japanese slav squat are the best x)
i always felt bad for bi people they are like the underdog of the lgbtq community and i can't help but feel for people that get allienated by other bc "you could be normal if you wanted" while all they really care about is love and see over the gap of gender ):.
i hope your pride month was nice tho
I appreciate the response~ I had a great Pride. <3
that episode was my fav one by far. i really felt anxious when steven removed teh gem from the mirror bc i believed she was going to put him inside of it thank god she didn't. but they did make a joke about it on a later episode.
again very nice art
Hello, i'm a shit-tier artist/coder. I make shit-tier art, shit-tier 3D render shit-tier games shit-tier jokes and i code shit-tier things.
Age 26
Joined on 3/20/13