now that's a CHUNKY apple
now that's a CHUNKY apple
we have all been there...
i havent
He really does look freaked out
Yes! I was trying to convey that!
Shark teeth are so cute on girls
Keep going strong! 1 week done! a lot more to go!!!!
keep up the great work!
can'yt wait to see this ;w; amazing work like always!
Thank you! ;w;
this is an amazing work of art! good job
Thank you a ton! ^-^ I've been on an art break for about 2 months now and I'm excited to return, I made this piece about 2 and a half months ago.
cute boy uwu
Hello, i'm a shit-tier artist/coder. I make shit-tier art, shit-tier 3D render shit-tier games shit-tier jokes and i code shit-tier things.
Age 26
Joined on 3/20/13